Parent Orientation
Dear Parent,
Your attendance is required at our Parent Orientation for Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists on Monday, August 22, 2011 at 10:00am or 6:00pm. The orientation will be held at the following address:
Central (North) Campus
7651 S. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90001
(Inside the Salvation Army Gym)
Students and parents from all of our school sites are required to attend, including:
Manchester Campus: 706 E. Manchester Los Angeles, CA 90001

Central (North) Campus: 7651 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90001

Central (South) Campus:8778 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90002

For any additional information, please visit

Oreintation Flyer (English & Spanish)
Thank you and we look forward to a successful new school year!
Posted on 29 Aug 2011
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