
Notice of Board of Directors Meeting

Click here to download PDF Board Meeting Agenda - March 22, 2013


Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists


Notice of Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, March 22, 2013

3:30 PM



I. Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Members of the Community


Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists (“Charter School”) welcomes your participation at the school’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the school in public. We are pleased you are in attendance and hope you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:

1. Agendas are available to all community members, and are posted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and American Disabilities Act compliance.

2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Oral Communication.”

3. “Oral Communication” is set-aside for members of the community to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda; however, due to public meeting laws (Brown Act), the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen requested agenda item.

4. With regard to items that are on the agenda, you may specify that agenda item on your request form and you will be given an opportunity to speak up to (3) minutes when the Board discusses that item.

5. Community members may request (“Community Member Agenda Request Form”) that a topic related to school business be placed on a future agenda. Once such an item is properly agendized and publicly noticed, the Board can respond, interact, and act upon the item.

6. Requests for disability-related modification of accommodation may be made by a person with a disability to the Executive Director by notifying the main office by 12pm of the day school is in operation prior to the date and time of the Board Meeting.


Meeting Location:

Manchester Campus, 706 East Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, Ca 90001


Teleconference Location, 44045 15th Street West Lancaster, Ca 93534





I. Preliminary Activities

a. Call to Order


b. Pledge of Allegiance


c. Roll Call - Present/Absent


i. Board Members

Karen Haynes ______/______ Cheryl Johnson ______/______

Norman Golden ______/______ Armando Espinoza ______/______

Dorothy Valenti ______/______ Eleanor Jones ______/______


ii. Others in Attendance

Edward Cabil ______/______ Larry Moore ______/______

Jason Okonkwo ______/______ Deara Okonkwo ______/______

Bali Business Mgmt. ______/______ Karen Horowitz ______/______


d. Approval of the Minutes


i. January 31, 2012


e. Additions to the Agenda (Provisions of Emergency/Urgency)


II. Public Communication: Non-Agenda items—individuals who have submitted a request to speak forms will be allowed a three (3) minute presentation regarding non-agenda items. The Oral Communications segment of the meeting will not exceed 15 minutes. According to California Public Meeting Laws (Brown Act), the Board will not respond or take action regarding public presentations; however, the Board may give direction to staff members following a presentation.


III. Discussion/Action Items

a. Action: Employment of Total Educational Solution – Special Education Services

b. Discussion: Resubmission of 6th Grade expansion – WAYS Charter

c. Discussion: WAYS Documentary



IV. Closed Session




VI. Recommendations of future agenda items

The Board will consider items for future Board Meeting Agendas

a. Conference with real property negotiator.(pursuant to Gov. Code § 54956.8) Negotiator: (OCI Development) Negotiating parties: (Edward Cabil, Merle Williamson Foundation)Real Property: (706 East Manchester Buildings A-E, 8778 South Central Ave Los Angles, Ca 90001) Under Negotiation: Property negotiation, purchase price.


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