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Executive Director’s Message


I am very excited about the 2012-13 school year for students attending Wisdom Academy For Young Scientists (WAYS).  I am thrilled that we at WAYS are preparing our scholars for a coming global 21st Century technological-centered job market, so that our graduates will be able to compete with top students from India, China, Korea, Japan, and other leading academic countries throughout the world

At WAYS, our primary goal is to prepare our pupils with a thorough, advanced, challenging, rigorous, sound academic education leading to a 2,000 points S.A.T. score on their first official attempt in the 11th grade.  With the score of 2,000 points, our  students will be given top priority for scholarships to prestigious universities and colleges across America.

I am calling upon our community of parents, family supporters, friends, and local business leaders to work with our teachers and staff members to better the odds for our next generations of students.

Very truly,

Ed Cabil – Executive Director

Wisdom Academy For Young Scientists