
Sharefest Workday Project

Published on March 1, 2013 by in Uncategorized

Dear WAYS Community, I am happy to announce that our Sharefest Workday Project has been adopted.  This means that on Saturday, May 4th, everyone in the WAYS community (parents, children, board members, staff and community partners) are invited to come to the Kinder site and get going to beautify our school.  I will work with

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Notice of Board of Directors Meeting

Click here to download PDF Board Meeting Agenda   Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists   Notice of Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, February 28, 2013 3:30 PM     I. Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Members of the Community   Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists (“Charter School”) welcomes your participation at the school’s

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W.A.Y.S. Weekly Update

Dear WAYS Community, Kudos to the many parents who came to have conferences with their teachers and those who will be coming this week. Here’s what has been happening this past week at WAYS.  The fourth grade went on a field trip to The Science Center, and we had our first School Site Council meeting.  

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W.A.Y.S. Weekly Update

Dear WAYS Community, I hope you are all enjoying your three day weekend. Hopefully you were able to make it to the Physical Science Fair on Friday.  As always the teachers and children did not disappoint. Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade were excited to present the scientific concepts they have learned. Last week parents

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